========= Changelog ========= 2.2.0 ===== Features Added -------------- * CurseFile can now generate a guess download URL if the backend does not serve a valid download URL Bug Fixes --------- * Fixed a bug where cursepy fails if the addon does not have a logo * Fixed a syntax error while getting the file a dependency is apart of 2.1.0 ===== This update fixes some bugs and adds support for a new backend Features Added -------------- * Added handlers for interacting with the curse.tools backend * Added meta CurseForge handlers, which make developing for CurseForge like backends easier Bug Fixes --------- * Fixed an issue with the MinecraftWrapper passing a category ID to the search() and iter_search() methods. * MinecraftWrapper now uses 'rootCategoryId' instead of 'categoryId' on the SearchParam when searching 2.0.0 ===== This update adds some major functionality! Features Added -------------- * Added two new errors, 'HandlerNotImplemented' and 'HandlerNotSupported' * New class, BaseClient which defines the basic functionality for all wrappers (replaces old CurseClient) * For listing catagories, we now need a game ID, as we only get all catagories for a specific game * When listing files, a SearchParam can be provided to filter results * New values in SearchParam that allows for more advanced searching and sorting * Many curse instances have more parameters available * New curse instance, CurseHash, represents fille hashes * Added handlers for interacting with the official CurseForge API (Needs an API key!) * Added new wrapper, CurseClient (different from old CurseClient) that makes working with the official API easier Bug Fixes --------- * Various formatting and spelling corrections Other Fixes ----------- * Many additions and changes in the official documentation 1.3.1 ===== Bug Fixes --------- * We now properly quote the path section of any URLs given to the URLProtocol 1.3.0 ====== This update fixes some major bugs, and corrects an issue with searching. Features Added -------------- * Added the 'set_page()' and 'bump_page()' methods to the SearchParam class, which makes traversing pages easy * Added the 'Bukkit Plugins' category to the MinecraftWrapper * The MinecraftWrapper is now imported in the init file, so users can import the class like so: .. code-block:: python from cursepy import MinecraftWrapper (This will be the case for any new wrappers added) Bug Fixes --------- * Fixed an issue in the code and docs where the index is treated as the page of results to retrieve, which is incorrect * We now download addon files correctly * We now load reduced dependency info when ForgeSVC handlers are used to retrieve all files for a particular addon * Fixed the 'iter_search()' method to correctly stop iteration * Fixed some random typos in the documentation 1.2.0 ===== Features Added -------------- * We now keep track of dependency info in the new CurseDependency class * Users can retrieve the file ID as well as the addon ID of the dependency * Users can retrieve optional and/or required dependencies 1.1.3 ===== Bug Fixes --------- * Fix search filtering issue 1.1.2 ===== Bug Fixes --------- * Fix dictionary calling issue 1.1.1 ===== Bug Fixes --------- * Fixed an issue with sub-modules not being included in distribution files 1.1.0 ===== This update simply adds some basic protocol objects. Features Added -------------- * Added 'TCPProtocol' * Added 'UDProtocol' 1.0.0 ===== Initial Commit